Without Portfolio

The Ministry of State Without Portfolio was created on May 8, 1972 within the Executive Branch of Government by an Act of the National Legislature. 

The primary purpose for the creation of the Ministry of State Without Portfolio is to assist the President to administer affairs of state (matters of incidental nature).

The mandate and scope of the Ministry  has expanded and continues to expand since its creation.  Outstanding among the numerous responsibilities of the Ministry of State Without Portfolio include the following:

  • The organization of incidental activities of the President, especially as they relate to local government and international matters;
  • Legislative Liaison-coordinating activities between the Executive Branch of Government and the National Legislature;
  • Handling matters emanating from statutory and non-statutory Commissions, as well as matters before the President from non-governmental organizations; and
  • Liaising with political parties and appropriately advising the President on multi-party interactions.